Mission Statement
The Police Department of the City of East Brewton, Alabama, has always strived to “protect and serve” our citizens of our city! Our number one goal as a Department is to always be available in their time of need! Not a day goes by, that our officers don’t go beyond their expected duties. We as a Department want to thank our citizens for the opportunity to serve them!
Chief Kenneth Brazile
Email: chief@eastbrewton.org
The Police Department of the City of East Brewton, Alabama, has always strived to “protect and serve” our citizens of our city! Our number one goal as a Department is to always be available in their time of need! Not a day goes by, that our officers don’t go beyond their expected duties. We as a Department want to thank our citizens for the opportunity to serve them!
Chief Kenneth Brazile
Email: chief@eastbrewton.org